RELX’s lawsuit against wildcard e-cigarette SP2S for trademark 

RELX’s lawsuit against wildcard e-cigarette SP2S for trademark

infringement has been brought forward againThe hearing time was advanced from December to November, and again to October.It can be found from the official website of SP2S that Shenzhen Weikang Technology Co., Ltd. is its operating company. The official website shows that it was established in June 2015. It is a comprehensive technology that specializes in the research and development, production, sales and service of electronic atomizers. company.

The company’s representative products currently sold in the market include: large atomizers, disposable atomizers, SP2, SP2S and other products. Blue Hole also inquired from the company that the SP2S operating company was fined 200,000 yuan by the Shenzhen Market Supervision and Administration Bureau in May this year. The basis for the punishment shows that it may be suspected of illegally publishing publicity advertisements. From the information that has been disclosed so far, it can be seen that RELX launched this year’s encirclement and suppression of wild electronic cigarettes. This is not the first time that RELX has sued a wildcard e-cigarette for trademark infringement. On June 16, another wild card brand WIK was brought to court by RELX, claiming that it was suspected of unfair competition. Blue Hole learned that the case of Rexex sued Weike has not yet undergone a formal trial because Weike filed a jurisdictional objection.

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